Montag, 22. Dezember 2014

POWERADE ION4 Madrid-Lisboa Non Stop

Die Veranstalter der Vaude-Trans-Schwarzwald verlosen eine Rennteilnahme an der "POWERADE ION4 Madrid-Lisboa Non Stop" unter gewissen Bedingungen. Wir haben beim Veranstalter mal angefragt um was es da überhaupt geht, denn mein Spanisch ist nicht vorhanden!

Hier die Antwort für das 770 Kilometer Non-Stop-Event!


An innovative format.
In this test the teams strategy and riders relay is a fundamental role in the face of the final result. The test has a linear format 'non stop',without obligatory stops. From the time of departure the riders must travel more than 770km of between the different hydration stations of race in a maximum time of 55 hours. 
Throughout the race, the riders will find refreshment posts (which will be a relief for teams changing jobs) the name of this points are Hydration Stations. However, the strategy of each of rider and their team is the key to the development of the test since any stops or change of rider is not obligate and team must develop a personal strategy. In every Hydration
station the teams will find a refreshment and a space where will spend the night with their assistance vehicles. The race travel will not be injured but will be mandatory step. The Organization will show the race travel a week before to start the race, and will give the track to participants for dolwload by 'gps' because is mandatory to follow. 
Exist a maximum time for complete the race and every Hydration Stantion have a colosing time. The raiders that arribe without time will be out of the race and will be excluded of the classification.

You can ride in a diferent ways:

- Alone (Category "SOLO")
- Team of 2 riders (male/fame/mixed)
- Team of 3 riders (male/fame/mixed)
- Team of 4 riders (male/fame/mixed)

The dates of the present edition are 25 to 27 septembre for a Madrid-Lisboa and 5 to 6 june for a Barcelona-San Sebastian (new race).

On 22nd January you going to have a news by a races, the Madrid-Lisboa and our new race Barcelon-San Sebastian (same non stop format).

I attach a Titan Desert information (other of our races).

If you need more information y can send you.

Thanks and sorry for may "spanglish"   
Hier geht es zur Vaude Trans Schwarzwald und dem evtl. Losglück. HIER KLICKEN
Hier zur Veranstaltungshomepage in Spanien - HIER KLICKEN 

Hier zu unserem Bericht der Trans Schwarzwald 2013 - HIER KLICKEN

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